Well, the term is pretty self-explanatory- but let’s just skim through the definitions first.
“A slippery slope is a fallacy argument, claiming that if one thing happens or is allowed to happen, then that will lead to other steps and ultimately to a final outcome.”
In common man terms, it’s a misbelief that an event starting at A, inevitably MUST reach point Z. And so the ultimate conclusion to A would be Z.
“Oh my, did you just lose two marks in your exam, you’re gonna end up begging on the streets” and “hey hey there, no phones today, unless you want to end up blind” are some infamous quotes you hear on a daily basis, and yeah, THAT is the slippery slope fallacy. Commonly used to free-fire over your desires, hopes and arguments.
Just so you get the hang of how daft these fallacies are- “School is killing us. Textbooks are made from paper, paper are made from trees, we need trees for oxygen. Thus, the school is killing us.”
So my fellow homosapiens, please drive away your cloud of ignorance and stop using flawed arguments, because beware, slippery slope ahead!