Roudram, Ranam, Rudhiram.
Rise, Roar, Revolt.
I’d start off by saying, this ain’t just a movie.
It is a culmination of utmost determination.
An unparalleled experience.
A wave of patriotism.
An explosion of emotions.
A huge leap for the TFI.
The British established their gargantuan empire in India. However, they were responsible for the toppling stones as well. They assumed they were instilling fear in the minds of the adversaries, oh but they were so wrong.
It was these depths of oppression that created heights of character. The Indians were boiling with fury, like a volcano, ready to erupt. It was this sense of being oppressed that truly bought us together.
Words are powerful, if harnessed properly, it can truly make this world a better place to live in. However, they have the potential to make living hell as well. Words were used to lure Indians into joining hands with the British. To turn against their own kind. To betray their own motherland.
The greatest hurdle in our freedom struggle was not the British. It was our internal conflict that proved to be the ultimate obstacle on our path to Swaraj.
RRR hit the theatres on the 25th of March 2022. Each and every scene is intricately incorporated into the storyline, weaving into a beautiful film.
The film has proved to be an absolute masterpiece, in terms of the plot, cinematography and cultural references and the rich cultural music, dance and folklores depicted, give this film an authentic touch.
And what makes this awe-inspiring masterpiece truly stand out, is the blood, sweat and tears that have gone into it’s making.