My eyes were red,
A warm drop of tear
Rolled down my cheek.
It was time,
To bid adieu.
I was sobbing,
In a corner;
Fearing change.
It was going to be,
A huge leap;
For a teenager,
Like me.
My brain knows well,
That this is just;
A start of a
Brand new chapter.
But, does my heart know?
I had to do it,
Gathering all my courage;
I went forward
And bid adieu to my friends.
This was going to be,
The last time;
I get to see most of my friends.
Who knows where everyone,
Will land.
And whether,
We’ll be in touch or not;
Was the question that was haunting me.
We were all going;
To part ways.
School was over.
Not a day, or a period;
My journey as a school student
Was officially over.